Hands up if you feel the world is somewhat precariously balanced right now?

Quite a lot of you I expect. It feels tired, as do we; exhausted from this outdated form of being, communicating and transforming. There are more avenues for personal expression now thanks to technology changing by the second. Yet we still are stuck in this phase of transference. A transference of responsibility, of our own power. What if we saw this as a window of opportunity, and perhaps reclaimed our own power?

I wrote this in March last year, I felt there was a massive disconnect between what we say out loud to those we love, to the people we share our worlds with online.

I love and am grateful for this world. From the beautifully sublime to the ugliness of human existence. Yes, that’s right even humanity’s own flies in the ointment; war, poverty, and inequality.

This notion of inequality has yet again become a red hot fireball in recent times. Inequality between races, sexes, the rich and the poor. The first world has most definitely seized upon the democratic right to protest, to speak out in the face of these obstacles in the mind of human evolution, and are succeeding in making their voices heard. Our litigious knowledge of prosecuting the veracity of our protest is now at a highly sophisticated level. The eloquence of our arguments is second to none. Yet it is inherently this process, this act of pleading, asking government and authority to make the change where we are failing in our capacity to facilitate real transformational change the human race requires.

If you haven’t already heard, we are in the midst of a massive shift in consciousness. In the context of this shift, our common approaches for dealing with these macro issues before us have been left wanting. The anger and negative energy surrounding decision-making processes today are testaments to the fact that traditional approaches to these issues are holding humanity back from real change, from progressing true equality of the human population. Granted we are all more connected on a technological level than ever before. The ability to disseminate messages to the masses can be accomplished in 160 characters or less. A worldwide movement created in minutes with a mere hashtag.

But can a mere tweet, a mere hashtag, give birth to transformative change for the human race?

This shift of consciousness is about people allowing themselves the power to live their own lives. To transform their own lives. It’s time for the human race to live by example. Set a new precedent by the way in which we live our lives, a life truly reflective our beliefs; the core of what it is to be human.It is no coincidence that democratically elected governments are getting turned over as frequently as the tide. The secession of our individual power to the hands of the illegitimate few has born the majority of our issues.

Yes, we placed ‘trust’ in our elected governments, in their policies, in their words. But as a result, we as a human race left ourselves running at half the capacity that we possess. Expecting a minute percentage of the world’s population to solve the issues of over 6 billion human beings is disproportionate and unrealistic. Therefore we must bear half the responsibility for their ‘failures’.

Acknowledging when something is broken is, fundamentally and psychologically difficult. Our consistent inability to acknowledge something broken in our own lives has forged a political powder keg scenario, in which we have transferred the burdens of our own lives to the hands of those in power deeming them responsible for the ‘brokenness’ in ourselves.

This increasing frustration to change the predicaments of our own lives is projected upon our elected leaders. We are so bogged down in racking up the problems, addressing the lack of fairness in the life which we now find ourselves, that we simply do not out allow for the mental headspace required to begin to recognise that is our thinking that is broken. Consequently, we simply throw our hands up and cede whatever individual power we’ve allowed to exist within ourselves to the government and instead feed our perceived ‘failures’ with anger, fear, and resentment of an authoritative power that will not solve our issues.

We have forgotten our personal power and its ability to mend the things in our lives which are seemingly broken. An individual’s ownership of their own power has somewhere along our timeline become a dirty concept; one akin to individual capitalist greed, heralding the downfall of the social conscience.

The limits of the world’s humanity are undoubtedly being put the test, and perhaps, at times, beyond. In my mind, this shift of thinking, this shift in consciousness cannot come fast enough. In a time when people are searching for the true meaning of their lives, the purpose of their existence, the acceptance of individual power has never been so imperative and crucial to our understanding of ourselves and each other.

There is no failure in saying, ‘this isn’t working for us’. That’s half the battle of forging a new consciousness. The sooner we are able to acknowledge this, admit it to ourselves, on an individual level, our ability to take ownership of our own power will occur at an unprecedented rate with transformational effect.

The ability to change one’s mindset is the now the greatest battle that lays at the feet of the human race.