Yep, you heard it right. Manual focus lenses are therapy for you as a photographer.
So many aspects of life as a photographer these days rely on autofocus like a fish needs water. And don’t get me wrong, in many situations, it’s one less thing to check through when setting up.
But when was the last time you as actually switched your fave lens to manual or donned a vintage manual gem on your camera body?
If it’s a while, you’ve been missing out.
‘But Steph, manual focus is more tedious and time-consuming!’ I hear you say. And I agree with you.
And I also disagree.
What if I told you that it’s only because we’ve become soooo ingrained in the instant gratification world of autofocus, that taking the time to focus manually is a perceived hindrance?
And here are the 2 big reasons why you need to use Manual Focus Therapy:
1. Your Composition Will Be Better
Think about it for a second, ok. When in ‘Manual Focus Mode’ you need to do a little ‘trial and error’; focusing in and out until you’ve found the sweet spot. This requires more concentration than holding the shutter half-way down, focusing and taking the shot.
More often than not, you need to mount your camera on top of your tripod when shooting manual because as we all know too well stability is the best friend of manual focus, so setting up your tripod and its position, also takes a little time and thought.
The confines of the tripod make us compose an image more in our heads BEFORE we take the shot. We are more mentally engaged in the composition and capture process.
2. Manual Focus Therapy is Meditation for You as a Photographer
What would you say if I told you that switching to manual focus is actually like a mindful meditation?
Before you know it, you’ve shut out the rest of the world bar your immediate surroundings. It’s just you, your subject, your camera and your three-legged friend of stabilisation.
And the mindfulness begins. A gentle process emerges; one of shifting, lifting, refocusing, capturing and reviewing.
It’s softer, it’s slower and as a by-product, your brain and your body forget its fast-paced sibling (Auto Focus) and unwind with simple steps of being the master of your composition.
Now, don’t you want to be the master of your own composition?
When I feel a gentle breeze of self-doubt creeping in as a photographer, you know the quick little thoughts I’m talking about, the ‘Yeah, I can’t do that,’ and the ‘They think I’m better than I actually am,’ this is what I come back to. Manual Focus Therapy.
It’s really hard to keep thinking those thoughts hell-bent om trying to affirm your inadequacies as a photographer when you’ve got to concentrate on refocusing, shifting the tripod a bit and refocusing again.
To be blunt, manual focus cares not for what defeatist crap is in your mind, it just requires your focus (pardon the pun, couldn’t help myself!) and your concentration. No judgment involved.
So try it, disconnect from the ‘get it in the can’ attitude of the autofocus world and switch to manual, and see how relaxed you feel!
Let me know how you go!
Much Love