So This Is Me… 40 And 11 Months, To The Day​

So This Is Me… 40 And 11 Months, To The Day​

So this is me... 40 and 11 months, to the day

So this is me… 40 and 11 months, to the day.

Hi to those new here to my little corner of the gram, wilkommen!

I’m a photographer with a penchant for architecture & interiors, fading light & dancing shadows.
This though, is my pet hate. Right Here. Getting IN FRONT of the lens.

Ask any photographer – most will cringe & physically recoil at the mere mention of such a prospect.
For us, creative control exists behind the lens, through the viewfinder. That is our safe place.
But I remember as a fledgling creative professional, accounts of photographers & designers served very much as another portfolio. A handful had the courage to share OF themselves as well.

It’s ironic isn’t it; that what we create, how we see and capture the world, is so deeply personal, yet rarely do we GIVE OTHERS the opportunity to connect with US, the human who birthed the work.

Since turning the big 4-0, my relationship with my creativity has turned on it’s head; it’s had a death, a rebirth, a jump to the left and a jump to the right. My walls of pretence, self-delusion, secret pain and misconception crumbled – some gradually, some like a certain wall in Berlin; with passion, freedom & fervour.

So this is me, on Friday June 28th at 4:41pm, deciding on a whim to do the one that scares the shit out of me the most. Showing up – physically and metaphorically. 

Six days since my last hair wash, pulled back hiding the dirty ‘shine’, eye brows akin to feather dusters put through a tumble dryer.

But something said do it. And I listened. To me.

Stop listening to what you SHOULD look like, what you SHOULD shoot, what you SHOULD design, what XYZ MIGHT (in your head) think. Or what the bloody hell the world says you SHOULD be!


I’m 41 in a month, and now want to do everything that scares the crap out of me… creatively and in life… no skydiving just yet – maybe 50?

This is the me I wanted to be, to FEEL like for, I really can’t tell you how long. This is me knowing I’m beginning to REALLY leave the SHIT behind, saying “Why not?” with little bit of “F*&k it!” for good measure.

Much Love

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