Sometimes, you get bowled over by the synergy that is created by the Universe. I had such an instance today, whilst enjoying my first proper day in Salzburg. When a Pegasus appeared, just when I needed one.
I had quite the sleep, I cannot remember the last time I had twelve hours. I awoke, frazzled none the less, completely unmotivated to get out and experience the city. So many things were confusing me, and I felt at a loss to make any sense of them. I reached out to my friend Andrew (of Authentic Edge). Not only is he finishing up his studies in psychology but also he’s incredibly in touch with his spiritual side. Talking to him is like having the best of both worlds. His advice is both grounded in and highly spiritual. It really is no wonder that he identifies so deeply with Pegasus. The winged-horse is symbolic of the changing the physical via the nonphysical. About embracing the whole realness that is our physicality on earth and synergising that with our higher selves.
I had been walking around listening to podcasts of Alan Watts. His calm and yet profound voice explaining the intricacies of time, space and existence. And it was if all the problems had dissolved by a combination of Alan’s words in my head and the new scenery that I was traipsing through. It was in fact my own synergy of grounding my higher self in the physicality of existence.
I asked the Universe a couple of days ago for a sign, and I got mine today, in the form of a mythical horse with wings.