Unshackle yourself
from your
creative fears!

Are you ready to transform your relationship with your creativity and take your creative confidence to the next level?

Are you feeling exhausted thinking about how to creatively move forward?

Guess what? You can shed your creative fears, leave crippling comparison at the door and really move forward and live the creative life you want.

the creative Uplift story

Steph McGlenchy | Photographer + Founder of The Creative Uplift

my own relationship with creativity

For nearly 15 years, my relationship with my creativity swung like a pendulum. Years and years of highs and lows left me emotionally drained and with an unhealthy and unsustainable relationship with my creativity.  When I graduated as a graphic designer in 2008 my creative confidence was sky high, and anything that I didn’t know, I knew I could pick up along the way. Fast forward two years, I had a breakdown; I reached rock bottom, ZERO creative confidence and I ended up in therapy and took a sedative each morning to get through the train ride to work.
“I had let criticism, the belittling I had experienced in my first two years working in the industry DESTROY my belief in my creativity.”
I turned my back on the industry entirely  (and in turn my creativity) and joined my Dad in helping run his business.  It took me a long, long time to realise this.  Six and a half years of working with my Dad and to heal and finally realise that deep down I AM A CREATIVE and no-one can take that away from me. What I’m trying to say is “I know!” I KNOW how big a deal it is to pursue creative ambitions in the faces of those who want you to fail. I KNOW how scary it can be to leave the stability of the 9-5 business world, and gamble the comfortability you have developed over time. But this time I had to make my experience different something deep down had to change. I needed to learn WHY my creative self-belief ebbed and flowed so much.  I tried all the cliches over the years. But creatively I was still broken inside. I kept coming back to the same question, “Why?” It’s this pursuit of the WHY that has given me the knowledge to transform my creative confidence and creative self-belief. Having the answers (the knowledge) to your WHYs is what breaks down the frustration of not knowing and replaces it with the solid foundations of understanding. I’ve done a lot of research the past couple of years into how the creative mind works, what our brain actually does when thinking creatively, and how it affects our creative confidence and how we value ourselves as creatives. I’ve spent years, spent a lot of time and money trying to find that ‘silver bullet’ that would silence that constant question “Am I good enough?” Knowing and understanding has completely transformed my relationship with my creativity and I feel just as brimming with ideas and self-belief as the day I graduated!

"Having the answers (the knowledge) to your WHYs is what breaks down the frustration of not knowing and replaces it with the solid foundations of understanding."

- steph mcglenchy | COURSE CREATOR

My Mission

why choose the creative uplift?

Creativity chooses you, not the other way around, so don’t fight it!

You're an incredibly creative person and I want you to feel empowered by your talents

I promise you that learning how your brain works as a creative in this course will help you pull apart creative doubts.

I want to help you develop a rock-solid relationship with your creativity and to help you tackle any minor creative-confidence blips as you navigate the hurdles on your way to manifesting your creative aspirations.

Let's Get Real!

why is the creative uplift different?

This is not a course about improving your numbers!

My Master Plan for Empowering Your Creativity!

course elements


agree or disagree

Carefully designed questionnaires designed to unpin the thought patterns that are holding you back from real creative growth. These questions will help you bring to the surface the REAL triggers of your creative self-doubt.


unpacking your creative brain

Dive into the machinations of your creative brain, learn how your creativity works on a neurological level and how the brain can create new pathways in rebuilding creative confidence.


learn to unlearn

You’ve identified your creative fear triggers and you’re now armed with the knowledge of the workings of your creative brain, but how do you unlearn these detrimental thought patterns? The Creative Uplift has got you covered.


fortifying your creativity

It’s time to reconnect with your creativity with self-compassion! The Creative Uplift will teach you techniques to set goals you can achieve, and the planning skills to help you achieve them! neutralised fears and re-work them into foundations that will fortify your creative self-belief.


instagram empowerment

Hand on heart, I want to help you avoid social media burnout and falling out of love with your creative ambitions. I will hand over to you my step-by-step system that will help guide you through interacting with Instagram in an empowered manner.


creative altruism

You’re now at one with your creativity, so let’s pay it forward! Together we will look at how we can use our creative output to further the development of others willing to thrive creatively; whether as entrepreneurs or creative artists. Let’s transform the medium of social media through empathy and make into a true champion of everyone’s ambitions.

"You have to learn to unlearn. Unlearning all the detrimental prohibitive thought patterns that you have developed around your creativity."

- steph mcglenchy | COURSE CREATOR

I kNOW you're ready for The creative Uplift Because:

can i hear three yeses? i thought so!

how do i do the course?


The Creative Uplift course is online and most importantly can be done at your own pace. 

The course makes you ask some pretty honest questions of yourself, so take the time you need to work through the modules.

Rebuilding your relationship with your creativity is something that occurs over time, so be patient with yourself as you work through each of your creative blocks. 

Remember you’re working sometimes through some really long-held view about your creative abilities, so that takes time to unravel.

Is The Creative Uplift for me? Why not try

Like the sound of the course? Sign up to receive 20% OFF at the time of launch, and head over to @thecreativeuplift and follow the account for launch updates towards the end of May 2021!

Much Love

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